Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oh What a Beautiful Morning . . .

Posted by Les

     Yesterday I was sick with a 24 hour stomach bug and didn't get much done.  You know the routine, work a little . . . rest a lot . . . work a little . . . rest a lot.  Went to bed last night still having those nagging cramps, but thank the Lord they didn't wake up with me this morning!  Today was a different story altogether and as I've said dozens of times throughout the years:  "It feels so good to feel good."

     The sun was breaking through the overcast morning sky; the birds were singing their hearts out; the dozen fruit trees are budding with delicate little blossoms; garlic plants are bursting out everywhere; and a good number of the million or so Iris plants are blooming.  In other words, our "outback" is turning greener and more colorful by the minute.

     A great day I'd say to finish up the cabinet door painting project, so I've given them the final sanding and lined them out like an assembly line, got my radio tuned to soothing classical music; and last, but definitely not least . . . my faithful cup of coffee.

Wow, what a difference a day makes!

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