Tuesday, April 7, 2015

New Shop, or "Man Cave"

As you may know, Les has a side business rebuilding damaged guitars that he buys, and repairing guitars for other folks. Since last June, he has used our sun room for his guitar work. It is a great space, but does not have heating and cooling, and, since it is a sunroom, has two walls of windows and no insulation. It was hot in the summer, but we bought a free standing air conditioner that worked fairly well. It turns out that it was also cold in the winter, and a little space heater did not do the job. On the really cold days, he could not work in there. Also, it was a really ugly, messy space that was just outside the den (but we didn't talk about that).
Before pictures.

A few weeks ago, a friend suggested that Les build a nice stand alone work shop. He liked that idea, and we have plenty of yard space to do that. He talked to another friend who is a builder to get some idea of the cost. We looked at portable buildings, both the nice looking wood structures, and the metal kind. He decided on one, which would cost about $6,000, plus another $2000 to finish out the inside with electricity, insulation, and heat and air.  Then, one morning, he came in and asked what I thought about him enclosing the patio on the side of the sun room. I was fine with that. Really, whatever he wanted to do was fine with me. I was just excited about getting the sun room! My only concern was that the patio had a brick floor that was uneven and looked unfinished, but he said he really liked that. Mostly, he knew that he could build a complete room for about $2000, and felt a LOT better about spending that amount of money. So, he spent the next 2 weeks working early to late building his guitar shop. He loved the idea of wood interior walls and the brick floor, which give it a rugged, "manly" feel, which he is very proud of.
And, here is the new room.

It really looks great. The siding matches the house really well.
AND, here is the sun room!!!!
 My reading nook, looking out onto the yard! If you know me at all, you know how much I love to read, sitting outside on the swing is best, but, if not, then looking into the yard. I get out here as soon as the sun comes up every morning.
And, plenty of open area for the grandkids to play.
 My sewing area. I also use the sewing table for a study area. Actually, that is the normal use for it. I study a lot more than I sew these days.
And, the finished guitars are on display in the sun room.

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